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Published Opinion Stories

A variety of the seven opinion pieces I have written for the Campus Carrier that show where my passions lie.

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Don't settle for less than you are worth 

November 19, 2020

When do you realize that you don’t actually fit in? I have been fighting with this my whole life, constantly feeling like an outsider with people who are supposed to be my best friends. Feeling like an outsider at a school I picked and thought it was the best fit for me. Feeling like I’m stuck in this space where I’m not who I’m meant to be because I’m trying to conform to what others around me want me to be. All because I want to fit in.

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January 23, 2020

Don't limit yourself to the "ideal" college experience

I’m just going to say it: college is hard. And what I’m talking about isn’t just about academics and studying. I was excited to go to college, to move away and be independent, but no one told me about the other hardships I would face.

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September 19, 2019

We shouldn't have a reason for everything we do

As someone who is so curious about anything and everything, my favorite question to ask is why. The question is so open-ended that it leads to a plethora of answers that all can lead down different rabbit holes.

As a journalist, why is my go to question. It often leads to the “golden quote” as I call it, the one quote that ties the story up with a beautiful, purple bow. But this past week, I faced a conundrum with my favorite word.

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April 12, 2019

There's no 'typical' parent-child relationship

I grew up with a strong, independent, northern mom and a dad who came from Switzerland and struggles with the English language to this day. I have a twin who was an exact replica of me, but as we split and went to college, we became two separate individuals with very different dreams and hopes. I guess what I am trying to say is that we are very different from your typical American family. I was taught what I consider northern values in a southern living environment. I was taught to be respectful, to always use my manners, to be professional, and to never talk back. I’m sure what you are thinking now is, ok but Michaela, how are you different and where is this going?

Opinion Pieces: Work
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